
Novak Djokovic has been arrested for persecuting the….

The saga that originally saw Novak Djokovic not allowed into Australia has taken a fresh twist, with the tennis star arrested shortly after winning his court case.

On Monday morning it looked like Djokovic’s battle to play in this month’s Australian Open had been won, when his visa cancellation was overturned.

However reports from Australia not long after he was released from his detention claimed that the world’s number one male tennis player had been arrested.

Djokovic was initially given an exemption by the tournament to play, despite the fact that he hadn’t been vaccinated, which Australia announced would be a requirement last November.

Serbian arrived in Australia only to find there was a problem with his visa and was sent to quarantine whilst the issue was sorted.

He had a court hearing on Monday morning, with judge Anthony Kelly ruling that the cancellation of his visa should be overturned and he should be released from his detention.

Fans of the defending Australian Open champion had camped outside the hotel since Thursday, often singing songs in support of the Serbian.

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